Habroxia 2 – Mini Review

If you enjoyed Habroxia then you’re really going to enjoy this game. It is the true 16 bit sequel to the original, expanding it out in all the ways you’d want. This is another one of these games from Lillymo that I’ve played on both the Vita and PS4 just so I could double dip on my trophies.

The main change of this title over the first is that it has a map screen where you can select which mission you want to attempt. If you find alternate routes in a level it will then unlock new levels that you can play. Each stage has astronauts and bounties that you need to collect or destroy, sometimes even a boss in there for goo fun.

The game now looks better with increased animations, special effects, and more detailed and interesting backgrounds. This is something really silly to admit, but I first played it on my Vita and about a month later again on PS4, and I completely forgot an important game mechanic. So in this game you can control the angle at which your gun shoots, which you couldn’t do in the first game. Just so you have a clear understanding, I beat Habroxia 1 & 2 last August, and I picked up the games for PS4 and went through them again a month later. While playing Habroxia 2 for the second time, right after playing the first one for the second time mind you, I completely forgot you could aim your shots. I went through almost all the levels without ever changing the angle of my shot. Which is insane to think about. Once I realized that it just made everything so much easier. I think it’s actually a testament to my skill that I could do so well without even aiming!

The main gameplay mechanic of leveling up your ship slowly over time as you play is just the icing on the cake for me with this game. Add to that new game + where you can carry over your upgrades and do missions over.

Final Score – 8.5

It’s just a very solid shooter that isn’t insanely difficult. It has the right “casual” player level of difficulty that I enjoyed spending a few nights with. The game is out on Switch and every other platform it seems, definitely pick it up on sale when you get the chance.

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