Dragon Quest Builders 2 – Thoughts

After having a short taste of what the series had to offer from DQ Builders 1, I quickly jumped into this game to get a better experience of how the series had progressed. I must say that I almost immediately enjoyed this title more than the first one. Especially if you take away a bit of the slow start that the developers seem to think we need. 

I guess I can start with that frustration. I don’t understand why these games need to hold your hand and slow you down so much at the start. It’s a lot of exposition and slowly talking about little things. I liked the setup of the game, having been washed ashore and meeting fellow people, you alone have the skill to create and build new objects and structures. So you go forth with the goal to help build up the land and provide for the people. It’s a nice premise and works well for what the game is trying to accomplish. I just wish I could have progressed at a quicker pace I would say. 

I played the game up until the point I had to fly over to the next island. So I got a good taste of what the game has to offer, and I’ve seen what some of the late game building looks like. I am a little sad that I stopped playing the game, because I honestly do enjoy a lot of aspects of it. I like that there is combat and leveling up. I really like that you can get blueprints of structures and can plop one onto the ground and build the structure to the set requirements. I think that’s a genius way of getting the player to stop fiddling around and to complete an objective in such an open world. 

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I feel like what ultimately got me to stop the game and move on was that I must have played it for a good few hours and I only just got off the main island, and I still feel like I was in the learning phase of the game. I wanted to branch out and build more quickly. The game had another agenda for me, to slow me down. It was annoying to be honest. I wanted more blueprints and to build a bigger community for my friends, but this part of the game wasn’t designed for that. Perhaps I just needed to push through this opening section and the game would blossom more from there. 

I would definitely consider revisiting this game, it’s a nice title to play on the Portal while chilling on the couch. I’d probably rate it around an 8.2 if I had to put a number on it for whatever reason. Without seeing really what the endgame feels like I have no legs to stand on though.

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